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A Personal Note: Graduating

After being quit on my blog for the last few weeks it is time for me to restart my blogging. I’m starting of with a personal note. Yesterday, Thursday 21st of April, I graduated Small Business & Retail Management. A Bachelor course of Implied Science.

When i think back of the last 4 years at Saxion College I realize that I have made a great progress in life. When I started college 4 years ago I thought partying was more important then studying. But in these years I have grown into a person how sees importance in the future and setting priorities.

So some of you might wonder what I have specialized in. Well those who read my blog more often I specialized in Internet Marketing. During these four years I’ve made progress within this piece of marketing. When I started with Internet Marketing I didn’t know the basics or the importance. But after working on some project and following an Internet marketing minor I have not only seen the basics and importance but I have also seen that this is were my passion lies.

So yesterday I had my final presentation and it went really well, even better then expected. I was very relaxed during the presentation and I was able to defend my new strategy for Conrad Electronic Benelux B.V. for the PPC marketing. Here in the Netherlands you can get grades from 1 through 10, 1 being awful and 10 being the highest possible. Within colleges a 10 for graduation is very, very rare and a 6 is just passing. Most people get a 7 an a few an 8 or 9. Well I got an 8 surprisingly. I did not expect this.

The next few weeks you will see more articles from me about Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurship. If you have  suggestions or request please let me know through comments.


Greeting from a happy and satisfied ex-student.

3 thoughts on “A Personal Note: Graduating”

  1. Hey Bart first off congratz with your graduation! small correction it’s Conrad Electronic without the s at the end ;D Best of luck with your career as online marketeer

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