
Google Weekly Recap Dec. 9th

Google Weekly Recap Dec. 9th A few things happend this week when looking at Google updates. Were the updates Panda related or were they normal Google fluxes. Here is a summary of a few things that happened this week.       There were a few changes in Google rankings mentioned by webmasters. Webmasterworld Thread […]


Page Speed online [Google tool]

As every web developer and internet marketeer knows, a page load time is very important to users and search engine. When something is important to users and search engines off course Google can’t stay behind. They judge every page on their load time and this makes testing your website on speed even more important. Because […]

Google Infographics

Veranderingen in Google Algortime [Infographic]

Google Algoritme veranderingen Hierbij een interessante infographic waarbij geïllustreerd wordt welke veranderingen in het Google algoritme die de afgelopen jaren hebben plaats gevonden. Ondertussen zijn er veel meer veranderingen in het Google Algoritme geweest en hoop hier spoedig een Infographic of presentatie van te kunnen leveren. Dus houd de website in de gaten voor nieuwe […]

Analytics Google

Introducing Google Analytics V5 [Video]

About two weeks ago Google Analytics product manager Phil Mui introduced a new version of Analytics at the Google Analytics Great User Conference.   This version shows changes in user interface and infrastructure improvements. Now before everyone gets excited, it can take a few weeks before you see any changes in your Google Analytics interface. […]


Video about Google’s work

I found this on youtube a few months ago. It made me laugh and wonder what Google works on these days: Curious about your response!