The love for WordPress.
First, how i got to know WordPress. I’ve been into the whole internet thing for quite a while now. It all started back in high school when i started developing my first websites with frontpage. This started to develop and when I started College it really pulled me in. After creating a plan for Van Duinkerken Camping & Sports Mall, about how to present theirselves online, I knew I wanted a carreer in the Internet business. In my thhird year of college I had to choose a Minor. And of course I chose Internet Marketing. Here I was introduced to Joomla, while having to create a website that needed more then aritcles published. I wasn’t to excited about Joomla, of course you could choose a lot of different templates, but in my opinion a lot were unproffessional. And yes, their are a lot of possibilities with Joomla but too many were uninteresting. So Joomla became a CMS that didn’t get my approval.
In the past few months I’ve heard a lot of people talking about WordPress. I started looking around but didn’t get the information needed. So WordPress sort of lost my interesest. Yes I know the title of this article is about the love for WordPress. I will come to that later. But a few weeks ago I was instructed by my proffessors to start working on my portfolio. Our portfolio is about what we know, what we have learned during our bachelor and what qualities we posses for enteperneurship. They also asked us to present this in a creative way and one that represent us. So automatically I chose for creating my portfolio online. So after buying my domainname and hosting I had to decide on what program I was going to start using. The hosting server provides multiple programs to install. And there I saw WordPress. Remembering all the good things I heard about WordPress I decided to install it and check it out.
After having installed it, I started looking around for WordPress themes, since I don’t have the time to create my own. After looking around my conclusion was that there were less free WordPress templates then Joomla but the WordPress themes had a more professional look. So I installed my new theme and was ready to start building my online portfolio. When I logged in the first thing i saw was the simplicity of the WordPress backend, I was instantly impressed and excited! It is amazing how simple the backend is and how easy it is to find and edit what you like. After creating a few pages that I needed for my portfolio it was time to insert the document like my CV. So i tried inserting it in a page but instantly lost my layout, due to that my layout was not written in HTML or CSS. So i went to the WordPress forum and searched on how to fix this setback I had. There I found that you could install a embedded docs plugin to show PDF or Word documents. And the thing I love about WordPress compared to Joomla is that the plugins are easy to find, install and place where you like. Also the easy way to create static pages and menu’s have been a blessing to my eye.
Another great thing about WordPress is the application you can download to your mobile phone. It works great and lets me work on my website where ever I like.
After only working with WordPress for a week I can honestly say I love it. I’ve so much about it in these few days and am sure to learn a lot more to come.
A new WordPress fan, as many around the globe.
Very good facts! I have already been hunting for something such as this for some time now. Thx!